Our People

Work & Training is Tasmania’s largest employer of trainees and apprentices and also the largest private provider of training and assessment in the state. We would not be able to achieve this without the dedication, expertise and passion of our people, who number in excess of 40 state-wide. 

Our people are experts in their respective fields and undertake continuous professional development to ensure that they are able to provide our clients with the most up-to-date information on current market trends and workforce development.

Our people take pride in being a valuable resource for business owners and managers in relation to this and also provide effective support to employees undertaking training and those seeking to enter the workforce.

As a Tasmanian not-for-profit entity, we are aware of our commitment to ensure that we are adding the greatest value to the community through providing pathways to employment across the state. Our fantastic people are integral to our achievement of this.

Our Board

Elizabeth Board


Elizabeth Board holds a Master of Education and a Graduate Diploma of Business Administration and has nearly 50 years’ experience as an English teacher at primary, secondary and tertiary level.

In 2001 she was awarded the Peter Crook Award for Leadership in Development, thanks to her role as Director of Development at Camberwell Grammar School in Victoria which she held for 24 years.

She has extensive experience in the not-for-profit sector, including aged care, regional hospitals, apprenticeships and training. As an Associate of Philanthropy Squared, Elizabeth has consulted in fundraising strategy and implementation to schools and universities. She is also a member of the Australian Institute of Company Directors and a Fellow of Educate Plus.

Poul Bottern


Poul Bottern (MBA Hons, GAICD) joined IntoWork Australia as Group CEO in 2012 having over 20 years experience in management and executive level roles across community, training and employment related services.

Poul has worked with the Board and Management Team in building IntoWork Australia into a large progressive employment, recruitment, training and community service provider with over 200 locations across Australia. He is actively involved in various forums and peak bodies, including his role as the President of the National Australian Apprenticeship Association.

IntoWork Group of Businesses employs over 2600 staff, as well as thousands of apprentices, trainees, and short-term placements, and trains tens of thousands of students each year. As an Apprenticeship Network Provider the Group supports tens of thousands of people entering apprenticeships and traineeships, and also supports many disadvantaged young people and people with disabilities to enter the workforce and settle into the community as a DES and NDIS provider.

Andrew Frost

Andrew Frost | Work & Training Board Member


Andrew has extensive experience in Senior Management and Directorships in Local Government and across numerous industries. 

Andrew’s skills include governance, financial, strategic and project management, along with Human Resources and Workplace Health and Safety.  

Andrew is a Graduate Member of the Australian Institute of Company Directors, a Fellow of the Institute of Public Accountants and a Member of Local Government Professionals Australia. His qualifications include a Master of Business Administration. 

Andrew has built wide-ranging networks throughout many sectors in Tasmania.

Chris Deakin


Chris joined the Work & Training Board in April 2023.

Over her career, Chris has held a number of Board and Executive positions spanning more than 30 years. Her roles in financial services included General Management for Business Development and Marketing and Distribution. She started her career at Coopers and Lybrand in chartered accounting. She also spent nearly two years providing consulting services on change management and transition for a State Government project. She also now works in the primary prevention of violence against women.

Chris completed a 10-year term on the Board of Banyule Community Health in 2022, which included several years as Chair and Deputy Chair, receiving a Federal electorate Community Volunteer Award in 2023 for this work. She is a member of the History and Traditions Committee of the Richmond Football Club. She has held a number of other Board roles in the financial services industry and has been President and Treasurer of her sons’ primary school and college.

Chris is passionate about social justice, diversity and inclusion and believes strongly in supporting local community. Much of her professional experience has been in the not for profit sector, where the value of giving back is central.

Chris holds a Bachelor of Economics (Monash), a Diploma Financial Services (Financial Planning), is a Graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors (GAICD) and has completed Leadership Victoria Women’s Leadership Program.

Management Team

Leanne Wallace
Chief Executive Officer
Harry Atkinson
Foundation Skills Programs Manager
Rodney Hayden
Operations Manager, Employment & Training